Delivery … Maybe

As it was getting closer to my December 16th due date, Mommy’s doctor said that I might need a little “encouragement” to come out. So Mommy and Daddy set up an appointment to be induced on December 20th, just in case I was being stubborn. Sure enough, December 16th passed uneventfully. So four days later, Mommy and Daddy went into Highland Hospital to begin the induction process.

HeartbeatBefore hooking up the machines, the doctors asked if Mommy and Daddy would like to hear my heartbeat one more time. Mommy and Daddy thought it would be nice, especially since my grandparents had never had a chance to listen! So a few minutes later, Daddy and my grandparents all crowded around Mommy’s bed for a listen. The doctors had always said I had a strong little heart, and it sure was pounding that night! I knew I was in store for an exciting few days!

When we arrived, Mommy was only 1cm dilated … as she had been for the last two weeks! The doctors started giving her something called “MISO” every 4 hours to “ripen” the cervix. The next morning, she was 2cm dilated. The doctors let Mommy and me eat at the buffet. Mommy did not like the food very much, but Daddy loved the endless supply of bacon. “Any hospital that serves ‘all-you-can-eat-bacon’ is fine by me” he said!

After breakfast the doctors started giving Mommy and I “pitosin” … we did not like this. Mommy kept feeling cramps that she thought were labor pains; I just thought my home was shaking! Throughout the day, Mommy and Daddy kept getting a lot of text messages from friends and family who wanted to know how I was doing. So Daddy, being the tech geek that he is, decided to create a twitter account for me! He tried explaining to me what that meant, but I’m still not quite sure I get it.

After being on the pitosin for 7 hours on Tuesday, Mommy was still only dilated 2cm, and I hadn’t budged at all. They took her off the medicine, and let her eat with the mob of family that had been camped out at the hospital.

For the next three days, Mommy and I had MISO throughout the night and pitosin during the day. At the end of the third day, all three of us were exhausted, and Mommy was still only 2cm dilated! The doctor said that the pains Mommy had been feeling were only “uterine distress,” not labor pains and that I still had not budged.

So on December 23rd, Doctor Morningstar let us go home to spend the holidays with family. She said that she would not be surprised to see us back on Christmas Day.

I was being stubborn, but I did not like the fact that they were trying to rush me. I wanted to come out all on my own! First, I needed to have my Christmas adventure!

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